Should I find it strange that the noodles at the bottom of my pasta bowl made a face that mimiced my mood? I love strange coincidences.

As I sat on my my bed researching artists the very same hour, I came across this quote by artist Amy Stillman that also mimicked my mood and started a stream of creative thoughts. How marvelous is our language but isn't it more amazing how so much of our communication doesn't come through words? What are you saying with your thoughts, your mood, heart, energy and body?
"Every day I welcome the raw, the goofy, the urgent, the eccentric, the disrupting, the associative and dissociative, the distracted, the embarrassing, the transient, the interesting, and the fearsome into my life, and language is the welcome mat, the first translation device from the body of sensate cues I intuit. Painting is a physical thinking process to continue an interior dialogue, way to engage in a kind of internal discourse, or sub-language, mumbling, rambling, a stream of thought, murmuring, thinking out loud, naming, uttering, a voice in your head. So language is not just a cognitive device, a ground of critique, a pedagogical mechanism, a negotiable social structure."
I have found this to be so true. Language is not my strong point, but I am able to delve deep into my soul through a different medium, the medium that wakes me up in the morning saying, " You get to create today!" His name is paint.
This is what paint has been allowing me to create lately. It is the beginning of a new series, which I will later reveal when I feel I have a better grasp on the concept.
I think Amy Sillman best describes my passion with paint and my gratitude for allowing me to explore life's occurrences through it.
"Here's the big difference, for me: while language is a chronological system going only forward in time, like the voice-over to your home movie, painting allows for a revision of time itself through editing, erasure, compression, simultaneity. In painting you can wipe out, cover up, remake your body, re-envision your dream, imagine and then protect yourself,in fact, painting is a protective, tender gesture in a way that language as I practice it is not j'accuse!"
-Amy Sillman